
Welcome to the Mindful Healing Practice website!


Are you tired of feeling STUCK?

Have you tried to QUIT a HABIT or START a NEW ONE and just can’t?

Do you feel like the weight of your worry and stress is consuming you?

Or are you curious to explore more of the answers and depths about who or why you are who you are?

You’ve come to the right place!

MY GOAL is to HELP YOU help yourself break free of limiting beliefs and start living up to your fullest potential as soon as possible!

At the Mindful Healing Practice, I strive to bring you a therapeutic experience based around Hypnosis and Reiki healing. Hypnosis can be VERY EFFECTIVE for changing limited thinking and beliefs. These two modalities can be used separately or together, but both have great impacts on many physical, spiritual, emotional and mental issues.

Hypnosis and Reiki can both assist clients with additional therapeutic needs regarding:


Self control with quitting old or starting new habits,

Weight management including working out and eating healthy,

Relapse prevention for smoking, alcohol, and drugs,

Survivor’s guilt,

Chronic pain management,

Stress management,

Anger management,

Communication skills,

Relationship to illness and disease,

Anxiety, fears, and PTSD,

Cancer treatment,

Enuresis (bed wetting),

Lifestyle changes,

Sports performance enhancement,

Ego strengthening,

Pain management for childbirth,

Sleep issues,

Past Life Regression,

and more. (If you don’t see your issue listed here, just ask!)

Healing means to completely eliminate, AND/OR to limit, alleviate, understand and accept an illness or disease. Healing facilitates a more intimate relationship with the self. Acceptance and understanding of an issue ultimately lead to better methods of problem solving towards the solution.

To find out more about HOW HYPNOSIS OR REIKI WORK, read the studies by clicking on the links below,

THEN– Schedule an appointment to begin your healing today by visiting our Contact page.


For Hypnotherapy studies:



and for Reiki studies:


Click to access Reiki_Really_Works-A_Groundbreaking_Scientific_Study.pdf


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